Project Based Learning (PBL) is a teaching method in which students
learn by actively engaging in real-world authentic questions while trying to
find answers to questions.
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Final show presentation of project |
The driving question in my project was: Are we that different?
The goal was to try and find out whether we are truly different from other
students living in England and the US. By the end of the project, students
recorded their conclusions on Vocaroo and we presented our project and
conclusions to parents and other guests. (Most of the students thought that we are not that different!).
Our research started with the driving question as I guided the project
in alignment with our curriculum and yearly planning.
I contacted a teacher in England for my hey 1 class and a teacher in
the US for my hey 2 class . You can contact teachers from all around the world through different sites: iEARN, Skype in the Classroom, Christmas around theWorld, Facebook groups like Flipgrid Educatos or Skype in the classroom Enthusiasts
group on Facebook and more.
We completed many tasks throughout the year, all aligned with our curriculum.
This was not "extra", this was the actual learning material. This was
our regular learning, done every lesson. However, I did collaborate with the music teacher and the art teacher, we exchanged and compared our holiday songs and we created an artistic product combining the two countries together.
I took core topics:
Present Progressive, Present Simple, the imperative, There is/ There are,
HOTS: Comparing and Contrasting, differentiating different perspectives.
Vocabulary about Food, animals and schools around the world.
Skills: Writing, listening, reading and speaking, computer skills, communication skills.
Here is a flow chart of the PBL I have done with my 5th graders:
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Final show presentation |
To read the complete guide I created about a PBL in Hebrew about global collaboration click here.
You can read in Hebrew about how I used Virtual reality in this project here.
Comparing our environments using google earth here.
Using regular mail service to exchange teddy bears who are "tourists" here.
Comparing our schools using video and There is/are sentences click here.
I hope my flow chart will help you in planning your project, and leave the textbook aside!
Hili Zavaro
tags: PBL, english,
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