Gamify your classroom with Harry Potter !

How can we elevate motivation and excitement in our lessons?
This year I decided to turn my classes into Harry Potter classes.

Harry Potter text and A Gryffindor Banner
workpage written and designed by Victoria Barachman

We first watched the film, to make sure all students know the film and the storyline.
 I made sure to watch the film in English, and to use only English subtitles.

Me in a Gryffindor Outfit

Here are some of the things I created for my classes:

For our first day, I prepared a contract with our 4 ground rules, I printed it out on Hogwarts pieces of paper and students needed to sign the contract. Those who signed it, got a train ticket, to Hogwarts. 

Platform 9 3/4 train tickets:

Hogwarts certificate of excellence and some harry Potter costumes: 

I divided the class into the four houses:

Gryffindor; Hufflepuff, Slytherin and Ravenclaw so I can allocate group points during lessons:

The winning group gets the "Golden Snitch":

This is what it looks like at the end of the lesson:

These are the power ups I prepared:

Potion gets you 3 points, Dobby gets you 4 points, Hagrid gives you 5 points, The sorting hat gives you 5 points and Hedwig gives you 5 points as well. 
The only thing that can take points off is Lord Voldemort, however, I never use it! It's only to keep things interesting. 

I prepared scratch cards with prizes inside like potions or stickers:

Here are some Harry Potter potions I prepared:  

Some of the prizes can be Harry Potter stickers:

Or Harry Potter candy:  (Some of the flavors are: vomit, ear wax, soap and grass):

Getting HP Candy

This is a homework page I like to hang in class:

For our dictations, I prepared Hogwarts dictation pages:

These are good notes to take home: 

For outdoor learning, differentiated learning and to increase student autonomy, I prepared stations, in each station, there is a different task. 
The stations are: 
The forest
The train station
Diagon Ally
Borgins and Burkes    and
The Hogwarts library.

Students get to choose "where" they want to study and they pick a task from one place. 

See the stations in action:

Vocabulary Games!

I was inspired by Rania's game: Boom!

and created two new group  games using the Harry Potter theme.
One is the game with Popsicle sticks:

Students take turns choosing a stick. They see the word in English, they need to say the meaning in Hebrew and they earn the stick. I always say that they can help each other. When they help each other, students also learn new words, words that are new to 

Playing at Hogwarts Library

The goal is to have as many sticks as possible by the end of the game.
Power Ups!
Students take turns collecting the sticks. If they get a "Harry Potter" stick, they get another turn! They get a chance at earning two sticks! But if the get a stick with a picture of Voldemort, then they must return all their sticks to the sticks holder.
The winner is the one with the most sticks by the 
end of the game!
1.Students must say the word in English three times and everyone must repeat.
2. Students must write down the word and its meaning in their notebook. This can be done by the student or by ALL students all the time. (increases engagement).
3.Students can say a sentence or a collocation using the word in English.

Card game 
Another game I created, is almost the same but using 

Students take turns drawing cards from the pile of cards. The words are in Hebrew, students need to say the word in English or use any of the variations I 

The objective of the game is to have as many cards as possible.
If they get a "Harry Potter" card, they get another turn! But if the get a card with Voldemort, then they must return all their sticks to the sticks holder. If they get a card with Hermoine, then they get 2  more cards (Similar to Taki x2 card). 

Students loved this game and couldn't stop playing!
I used this as one of the stations in the rotation Model.

I hope I gave you enough inspiration to try something similar in your class!
Unfortunately I am unable to share most of the files because they include graphics that I do not own. 

You are welcome to follow more ideas on:


tags: harry potter, games, efl, gamification

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