you ever needed to divide the class into three groups? five groups? pairs?
you ever done a new seating arrangement and needed to quickly decide where each
student should sit?
flippity.net is for you.
Teacher can insert the name of students into a form and the computer generates random
groups. That can save you so much time!
One day I decided to do a new seating arrangement, I created eight groups in the classroom:
I didn't manage to create groups at home, so I copied and pasted the names of students from the attendance excel into the site and created eight groups in a second. Students walked in the classroom and saw their names and groups on the smartboard.
groups. That can save you so much time!
One day I decided to do a new seating arrangement, I created eight groups in the classroom:
I didn't manage to create groups at home, so I copied and pasted the names of students from the attendance excel into the site and created eight groups in a second. Students walked in the classroom and saw their names and groups on the smartboard.
Create four groups:
Line up your students:
Comment below with you ideas!
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